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Feed Your Grief: Food focused grief journaling group course on feeding your soul and asking what is your grief craving?

Join Roshni Kavate on a monthlong journey that will explore how we can tend to our grief through food and rituals during the holiday season. Cooking and eating are everyday acts of ceremony and cornerstones of celebrations and remembering. They are how we nourish ourselves and our community. They are how we remember our ancestors, connect to the land and build resilience and wellness. Grief can be a powerful guide to connecting with what our body and soul is craving. In our time together, we will explore how grief shows up in the body, how we can reclaim our ancestral and family traditions of comfort food and what it means to feed and nourish ourselves. 

This journey will involve weekly journaling prompts and two calls with restorative practices, recipes, rituals and time for connection, cooking and storytelling. 

A glimpse:

  • Weekly journaling prompts, sent to you by email 4x week

  • Private facebook group with facilitation and connection

  • Collective recipe and wisdom shares, cooking and eating for grief and comfort

  • Exploration of intergenerational traditional wisdom of cooking, storytelling and food as medicine.

  • Somatic practices to connect to grief

  • Cultivating daily rituals rooted in Ayurveda to awaken the senses

  • Exploring spirituality of food, recipes and nourishment

  • Decolonizing comfort foods and wellness

  • Reflections on memories and honoring loss 

  • Cooking demos

  • 2 group community zoom calls, Jan 21st and Feb 11 th, 11 am- 1 pm PST

Read more about my views on comfort and grief as featured in KQED

Listen to my podcast on Food, Sensuality, Place and Grief on the Breathing Wind Podcast

Participants will also have the opportunity to collectively create a Community Cookbook to document our time together.

Investment: Single: $299 or You and a friend or loved one:$450

Starts Jan 16, 2023 to Feb 17, 2023

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This virtual journaling, cooking and eating retreat is for anyone who:

  • Has deep love for food, eating and tapping into the wisdom your body holds.

  • Is curious about the grief they carry and want to explore sensual and joy centering practices.

  • Wants to connect to their body with compassion and curiosity, and wants to explore what it means to nourish your soul.

  • Is open to moving from strength and resilience to radical rest, pleasure and softness.

  • Has a deep desire to connect ancestral traditions, food culture and rituals as tools for activism for contemporary times.

  • Needs a space to reflect, contemplate and cultivate a personal practice of wholeness.

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Why this Workshop is being offered:

I grew up between India and California in a family with cooking and food as the center of daily life. In my decade-long career as a Nurse I was surprised how often all my interactions with patients and their families focused on food, cooking and their fond food memories. In my time as a Palliative Care Nurse, I met so many people from many different backgrounds who talked about their deep longing for their family’s dishes especially as they contemplated their end of life. Yet, the narrative I saw around popular wellness, comfort food and nutrition centered around a very narrow western lens rejecting the rich ancestral food traditions from around the world. This experience fueled my desire to create space to celebrate, remember and expand how we connect to food  and grief through our culture.