A guided hands on workshop with Master Food Preserver Hae Jung Cho who will share her family's Kimchi recipe and we will collectively explore connection, community, wellness and ancestral wisdom.
Kimchi making is an act of ceremony, it is community building, preserving bounty of the land and reclaiming resilience and wellness. You are invited to join Los Angeles based Master Food Preserver and professional cook Hae Jung Cho with fellow Master Food Preserver, Palliative Care Nurse and artist Roshni Kavate for an afternoon of Kimchi making and story telling.
We will explore the history, science, and the art of preserving Kimchi. We will dig deeper on how we can connect with our ancestral wisdom to reclaim wellness, preserve traditions and foster kinship with our ancestors and our land.
Food is a connection to our past and daily act of nourishment. We will ponder how to keep our collective traditional wisdom alive and what it means to feed ourselves, to nourish ourselves.
After an early career in nonprofit management and human rights, Hae Jung Cho made the switch to food and has been cooking professionally for over 15 years. Trained as a master food preserver in 2011, Hae Jung teaches kimchi making and other food preservation classes across Greater Los Angeles. She is the Secretary of the Culinary Historians of Southern California, and a lazy gardener at the Crenshaw Community Garden. For more information, check out "Hae Jung's Kimchi Club" on Facebook and find her Kimchi recipe in the recently released cookbook, The New Homemade Kitchen